(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) - Removing with Cleaning and Sporicidin

MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is an antibiotic resistant Superbug bacteria that grows in clusters, multiplies very rapidly and can cause many different kinds of infection, ranging from simple skin infections (boils, furuncles) to septicemia (infection of the bloodstream) and toxic shock syndrome, and is spreading rapidly in the United States and worldwide. MRSA is resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin. The difference between it and common staph infections is that MRSA is antibiotic-resistant and can become deadly. MRSA is popularly termed in the press as a “superbug”. A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that about 10 percent of common community-acquired MRSA strains are now impervious, not only to penicillin, but also to clindamycin, tetracycline, Bactrim and other antibiotics

MRSA occurs most frequently among people in hospitals, nursing homes and other health-care facilities. But cases are increasingly being contracted in schools, households, correctional facilities and day-care centers. According to the CDC, “infections with significant antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, the types formerly seen only in hospitals, now have onset in the community - old diseases have learned new tricks.”

Communities across the country are reporting an increase in outbreaks of staph infections, particularly among athletes. More MRSA-infected patients check into hospitals than those testing positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or influenza combined! MRSA bacteria can live on common surfaces such as tables or doorknobs for days or weeks and can be transmitted when someone touches an infected surface. Health officials believe many of the infections are being spread in gyms and locker rooms. An MRSA outbreak that spread among high school athletes in 2007 prompted the closure of dozens of schools for cleaning. In 2008, two high school football players died from MRSA infections - one from Philadelphia and one from central Florida.

The number of cases of MRSA infections has increased by more than 90% during the last decade according to research from Princeton University. The growing number of MRSA cases reflects the increasing resistance of Staphylococcus bacteria to antibiotics.

For the bigger scoop on superbugs, read science writer Maryn McKenna’s book, Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA. Or just listen to her interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air”: “MRSA lives not just in people who are debilitated and ill and who are in hospitals but in all of us walking around all the time. But it was always thought - from about the 1960s when it first sparked up to the 1990s - that the only place where it was successful in attacking people was in hospitals because [patients] are debilitated and ill. And then in the 1990s, a group of researchers at the University of Chicago noticed that they were seeing infections in children that looked very like those hospital infections and yet these kids had never been anywhere near a hospital. And it turned out that there was a slightly different strain of staph that had adapted itself to live in the community and cause infections that are serious - and sometimes more serious - than the ones that were being caused in hospitals.”


  • Pimple or Boil: For most MRSA cases, a pimple or bump is the first symptom. The bump may have an appearance of infection and may become inflamed and painful. As it worsens, it will take on the appearance of a boil and become filled with pus. Red streaks may emerge around the wound, which are usually an indication of infection. A physician may decide that the wound needs to have the pus drained to help it heal and also may prescribe antibiotics.
  • Fever: Along with other symptoms a person may also suffer from a fever. The fever may start out low, but will quickly increase as the infection worsens. If the fever goes over 105 degrees Fahrenheit it could be dangerous and the person may need to be hospitalized for treatment.
  • Rash: A rash may be exhibited by some patients suffering from MRSA. The rash may come on quickly and can be extremely painful. The rash may contain bumps or it may appear very smooth. The rash may cover a large portion of the body and may be hard to treat with normally prescribed medication. It will usually need to be treated by Vancomyacin.
  • Headache: A headache can also be a sign or symptom of MRSA. A headache will generally develop as the infection worsens. The headache may be present with other symptoms such as fever or muscle aches. The person may be unaware that they are infected with MRSA and may mistakenly believe that they have the flu.
  • Septicemia: The National Library of Medicine reports that septicemia is the presence of bacteria in the blood and is associated with serious illness. Septicemia can also be a very serious symptom of a MRSA infection. Septicemia may cause very high fevers and the person may become so ill that they require hospitalization. If left untreated, septicemia will affect body organs and can cause death.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculated that MRSA is responsible for 95,000 serious infections and nearly 20,000 deaths per year in the United States. These numbers would make MRSA responsible for more deaths each year than AIDS.

Sporicidin kills MRSA and VRE. Sporicidin Disinfectant Solution® “provides 100% kill of disease and odor-causing vegetative organisms including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA) and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE),” the company said. The solution contains surfactants which also clean and deodorize mold, mildew, bacteria and fungi. In a 2½ year university study, it was found that Sporicidin is more effective than bleach on Stachybotrys, Chaetomium and Aspergillus organisms. The Sporicidin label lists it as effective against MRSA and Sporicidin is listed on the EPA web site as effective against MRSA.

Prevention tips:

  • Practice good hygiene by keeping hands clean (hand washing, using hand sanitizers, even a nail brush to scrub your hands).
  • Keep the home or office clean. Bacteria, such as methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, can sometimes be found in your carpets,rugs and upholstery.
  • Cover skin abrasions or cuts with clean, dry bandages until healed.
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as soap or towels that come into contact with bare skin.
  • Don’t pick your nose, because that’s where MRSA often resides.
  • Don’t touch the bandages of someone with a MRSA infection.
  • Seek medical help if you have a sore that you think may be infected.

NOTE: A few states require you to have a license to apply disinfectants and most states require a license to do pest control for hire,

Related Anti-Microbial, Disinfectant, Germicidal Products:

Related MRSA Information (External links open in new tabs or windows):

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