How to Increase Profits with “Add-On” or “Plus” Sales in Your Carpet Cleaning Business

Add-on sales increases the bottom line of a carpet cleaning company.

Extra sales (“Add-on” sales) make a carpet cleaning company highly profitable and grow every year.

The terms “add-on sales” and “plus sales” is offensive to some. It calls to mind the huckster element of the cleaning business that is never satisfied with what a customer buys, but always wants to sell more - whether the customer needs it or not.

Yet, extra sales make a company highly profitable. A service vehicle should generate a reasonable profit just by doing the basic work it was designed to do, which is to clean carpets. Additional sales made by that service unit make the difference between a very mediocre company and a highly profitable one.

In the twenty years that the Wm. F. Bane Co., worked for L. S. Ayres, a major Midwestern department store, it reported to Salvatore R. (Sol) Petruzzi. Sol loved to use the term “plus sales.” He said it sounded much softer than “add-on sales” and made extra profit for his company. Sales people, he believed, must be taught to be ethical in the selling of extra services. He had basic rules concerning plus sales:

  1. Plus sales should be made only to the customer who has a need for the product or service.
  2. The customer should be able to afford to buy the extra product or service.

If your basic fees cover expenses and a small profit just cleaning carpets, a crew can make extra profit with just a few additional sales. These go almost entirely to the bottom line since the expenses of getting to the job and advertising for it are already amortized.

Examples of Add-On Plus Sales Internal Services to Increase Your Profits:

Some of our customers have also successfully added external services such as:

  • Window Cleaning.
  • Gutter Cleaning.
  • Pressure Washing of Driveways, etc.
  • Roof Cleaning.
  • Move in/Move out Cleanups.
  • VCT Strip & Wax.
  • Concrete Cleaning.
  • Concrete Garage, Driveway and Patio Cleaning and Protection.
  • Cleaning Wood Fences and Decks.

If your profit margins are not what you think they should be, take a few days off, come to Bane-Clene Institute training school and improve your position in the industry!

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Published by: Bane-Clene Corp.
Copyright: Bane-Clene Corp.

Date Modified: January 1, 2020 by Don Terry

Date Published: June 7, 2010

Free Bane-Clene Information PackageBane-Clene Paper Catalog

Free packet of information about Bane-Clene can be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-428-9512 (U.S. ONLY!). Your information packet will include a full color catalog and price addendum. Packets will arrive in approximately 2 weeks through standard United States Mail.

You can also order the packet at the Catalog Request Form.

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Published by: Bane-Clene® Corp.
Copyright: Bane-Clene Corp.

Date Modified: January 1, 2020 by Don Terry

Date Published: June 7, 2010